About Me

Bangalore, Karnataka, India
I am 33 Years old and currently in Pune, India. I love to travel and see new places. I also indulge in amateur photography. I am interested in gadgets and love to tinker around on the net.

With my daughter "Suvarna" at Goa

With my daughter "Suvarna" at Goa

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Book Review - part

How Opel Mehta got kissed, got wild and got a life - By Kavya Vishwanathan.
I am reading this book currently. The story is about a girl called Opel Mehta, whose only goal in life is to make it to Harvard  as desired by her parents who are quite obsessed with this. So, she applies to Harvard early while in senior high school. Shockingly, to her and her parents, they find that the dean at Harvard asks opel to apply later citing the lack of any social life and that she should get a life. Now begins a quite hilarious series of incidents planned meticulously by her parents nicknamed - HOWGAL (How Opel Mehta will get a life), to ensure that Opel's Harvard resume is complete. Will Opel Mehta get a life??? Far from it, Opel realises that although HOWGAL did succeed in some ways, however she has some totally new experiences which lead her to question her very first ambition of going to Harvard.
I shall post the full review once i complete the reading
PS: The author was in the news being accused of having plagiarised this novel from someone. Nevertheless, makes for a leisurely read